Windows 10 Users Continue to Experience Various Kinds of Bsod Errors

  The dreaded blue screen of death is a problem faced by many Windows based computer owners. The BSOD error came into prominence with Windows 7 with users complaining a blue screen with an error message before their system automatically shuts down. Microsoft initially ignored the problem thinking it was a temporary error caused by faulty drivers downloaded by the customers. It was much later that Microsoft accepted this difficulty experienced by its customers and introduced security updates that solved the blue screen Windows 7 error messages.

By the time Microsoft launched Windows 10 operating system, the instances of the dreaded BSOD Windows 10 had significantly reduced. However, these instances have started to increase in recent times ever since the company introduced two updates to its Windows 10 operating system. Fans of Windows operating system hoping better luck with the dreadful blue screen of death are now finding that their issues have increased significantly rather than being solved permanently.

Microsoft recently released an important update to Windows 10. It was called KB4586781 and loyal customers did not wait for long time to download and install the patch into their systems. This security patch, instead of making life easier for the users has brought more trouble in the form of new and unfound blue screen of death error messages. Some of these messages are not seen before and users find that BSOD Windows 10 does not allow them to reboot their systems properly.

It is clear that Microsoft is far from getting rid of the nightmare for many of its users even after partnering with Intel in finding a BSOD fix. The goal here is to find a solution that is universal and applies in the cases of all individual customers.

One user complained to Microsoft on a popular forum in an angry tone saying he installed the security patch on his newly purchased laptop. He found that it was forcefully shut down by Windows 10 because of BSOD error. The same customer later said that his problem was resolved when he uninstalled the security update issued by Microsoft.

It is a matter of policy that Microsoft encourages its customers to promptly download and install important updates to the operating system. However, with the recent spate of Windows 10 blue screen error codes, it is prudent not to follow the advice of the company and continue with the existing operating system if it is not causing any trouble.

What is interesting to note is the fact that it is not just the problem of BSOD that is affecting the users of Windows 10. Many users have complained that their camera app stopped working properly. Some complained strange behavior with their Chrome and Edge browsers after downloading the security update introduced by Microsoft.

The issues Windows users face with BSOD are increasing in numbers and nature. Users do not know what to do in such a situation and they are looking up to Microsoft to find a permanent solution for their problem of blue screen of death.


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